Behind the screens with my personal GSD schedule


A lot of you have had questions about my personal schedule, lifestyle, motivation and how the HECK I do it.

So instead of talking about it…

I’m gonna show you! Check out my latest FB live that I just did in my Facebook Group This Brand Means Business.

This is my exact personal weekly schedule that allows me to run my business, manage my life, hold myself accountable to my own deadlines and execute my big visions while staying sane.  

Let's dive in!


  1. The Weekly Time Blocks (5:05) – this is the system I use to schedule my weeks and make sure that I'm taking the most action in my business, this system hold me accountable to myself, my projects and my deadlines. 
  2. SJ's Schedule (8:22) – Want a sneak peak of my exact schedule, it's a little bit crazy, and a little bit embarrassing, but I love ya, so here's a behind the scenes look. 
  3. Put your time blocks into your schedule and they are in stone! (8:48) – This is the cold hard truth baby, if it's in my schedule it's real, and it gets done!
  4. Schedule all your daily tasks (10:03) – This is not just about your current projects, this is about your day to day business tasks as well, when are you answering emails? When are you working on marketing material? When are you doing client work? 
  5. Schedule your personal time and time off (13:30)  – This has been a new addition to my schedule, but it's equally as important! I schedule in time that I'm spending with my friends and family. I schedule in time that I need to get AWAY from my phone and when I'm hitting the gym. 
  6. Start with an empty schedule and add in your non-negotiables then get more detailed as to exactly what you will work on. Be realistic with yourself. (16:26) – I'm challenging you to start building your own schedule, the goal is to start with a blank calendar and start adding in tasks that are most important and make the most money in your business, but then keep adding until you're at your daily capacity. 
  7. If something doesn't go as planned due to something unexpected, shuffle things around in your calendar. (18:28) – The shuffle is a god send! Some days sh*t just comes up or doesn't go as planned, so this is where the shuffle comes in. I just move my task over to the next day or the day after and I know what's still on my plate!
  8. Work on your business when you say you will work on your business. That is the only way it will work. (20:08) – Tough love coaching time, if you're serious about your business then you have to hold YOURSELF accountable, nobody is gonna do it for you, create your task, set a deadline, put it in your schedule, then DO IT. Simple as that, ok?
  9. Brain dump in your weekly meetings; create a google to-do doc (22:30) – This is my personal system for clearing out my brain, I sometimes have a million (great) ideas, and getting them out into a google to-do doc and delegating what I can to my team, and setting deadlines for myself is the best system I have used so far for creating consistent momentum in my biz. 


It will take you some time to get use to a new routine BUT it can be done. Take the first step and start brain dumping all the tasks you do weekly in your business, then get it in your schedule! #GSD

Below I've added the breakdown of some of my weekly time blocks, feel free to use this as a jumping off point, and add in your own time blocks! 





Stephanie Joanne is known online as The Entrepreneurial Enabler and creator of her signature Build Your Empire program. SJ will teach you how to create a brand identity and business model that sells. You will learn the step-by-step strategy she used to attract over 200 media appearances & scale her online business to 1 Million in 18 months. Keep up with SJ if you want to dominate your market by becoming the #1 go to business in your category.


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